Over the month of July our team was kept extremely busy in the Dandenong North area having held several auctions and launching a handful of new property listings. Without doubt our standout auction for the month was held at 58 Prospect Hill Crescent, Dandenong North with the owners aiming to achieve a premium price of $680,000 prior to the auction. Although extensive works had been carried out at this property prior to it being launched on the market for sale a huge draw back to the home was that it backed onto the Monash Freeway sound barrier. Come auction day our team member and marketing agent Joe Di Lisio was optimistic about achieving a great result for the owners however the result achieved far exceeded his and the owners expectations with 6 bidders at the auction intensely competing to become the new home owners. We not only managed to obtain the owners premium expectation of $680,000 but also exceeded those expectations by $12,000 and sold the property for a staggering $692,000. The second standout sale in the month of July was the sale of 142 Brady Road, Dandenong North. This sale stood out for a very different reason to the 58 Prospect Hill Crescent, Dandenong North sale as we only had 1 person (prospective buyer/bidder) at the auction (besides the wonderful neighbours of course). After opening the bidding at $580,000 on a Vendor Bid, Auctioneer Neb Delibasic passed the property in to the highest and only bidder at $582,000 and asked them to come into the property after to negotiate. After negotiations which lasted nearly one hour Neb managed to bring the buyers up to $645,000 and sold the property after the auction to the surprise of many neighbours who had just witnessed it being passed in for $582,000. This result shows that you are under no obligation to accept a low offer at auction and in the case that the property needs to be passed in under reserve value the skillset of the auctioneer to negotiate after the auction becomes crucial. We will be holding several auctions in the Dandenong North area in the month of August with the standout being 123 Bakers Road, Dandenong North (Auction on Saturday 12th August 2017 at 11:00am) a unique 917 sqm development site in a very sought after pocket of the suburb. Please feel free to come along to any of our auctions if you are living in the nearby area.
July 2017 – Dandenong North Market Update
Posted on August 2, 2017 in Uncategorized